Your 2024 social media trend predictions.
It feels a little irresponsible for me as a digital marketing specialist and senior professional to share a trend predictions blog with you without a bit of a health and safety warning – or disclaimer of some kind if you like. Mostly as, although I work in the marketing industry, I don’t have a crystal … Read more

The 2024 Bird & Emmy Manifesto.
HNY! And godspeed to us all for the year ahead. The start of a new year is when we are most encouraged via social media (insert your app of choice) or blogs, videos, newsletters and the web (version 2 or 3) to do the reflection thing. Acknowledge, celebrate, document, ditch what doesn’t serve us and … Read more

What’s it like working with a Freelance Digital Marketing Strategist?
I worked with an Aberdeen-based business over the summer on their digital marketing and social media strategy, it was a four month project and it was pretty darn great. I didn’t even have to say that myself, I asked the business owner for feedback and a testimonial after our project finished and she said the … Read more

How to use ChatGPT in your digital marketing strategy.
I’ve spoken before on the difference between something trending and a trend in the digital marketing industry, and how sometimes it’s worth a business owner’s time to just sit back and watch before jumping right in. Think Clubhouse, Threads and TikTok as examples of this … We don’t have to take on every new thing … Read more

Productivity and focus as a Marketing Freelancer.
Ah the mythical words “productivity” and “focus” as a Freelancer – often spoken of, most sought after and forever feeling unattainable! This blog is inspired by Beth Gladstone’s post on Instagram talking about the five things that have made the biggest difference to her business turnover. If you don’t know of Beth or follow her … Read more

Marketing trends we can learn from the Super Bowl.
Pretty sure it’s ok to say out loud that one of the key roles in any marketing team is keeping on top (and in the know) of trends? Not to mention this being a hot topic on the [coffee] table for many a Bird & Emmy team meeting … Which is why Super Bowl season … Read more

How to build a successful Digital Marketing Career.
If you haven’t met me in real life or heard me chat on Instagram stories, that title probably needs an explainer or at least a hint at the tone; aim for tongue-in-cheek when you read it to yourself or at the very least with a smiley face at the end of it because honestly, do … Read more

A coffee date Q&A with Sammy Dey.
One day we’ll need to do this Coffee Date Q&A thing as a real-life event right? But for now, we’re sticking to digital so you can make yourself coffee and read it in your jammies and no one will ever know. As we’re days away from the Spilling the Tea event in Aberdeen with Harley … Read more

A coffee date Q&A with Harley from Hive + Co.
It’s coffee date Q&A time! The blog where I share a bunch of answers from questions I’ve asked a business owner around how they use social media for business. Any industry, any answer and anything goes on this coffee date … The idea is that we can all take some inspiration from each other on … Read more

A digital marketing strategist on tour.
I work with businesses throughout the UK and currently 50% of my client base is out with my hometown of Aberdeen. Remote working in the digital marketing industry was a thing for me even before COVID times and whilst most elements of the work can be done remotely, there are times when face-to-face is just … Read more

A coffee date Q&A with Nicola from Freshly Ground Copy.
Welcome back to a new blog in the coffee date Q&A series! The blog series that reveals all the secrets of how business owners use social media for their business and the kind of chat that is usually reserved for the coffee dates only …. Our special guest today is Nicola Scott from Freshly Ground … Read more

5 apps you need for your Instagram for business account.
Did you know that the number of Instagram users in 2022 is 1.478 billion? That’s a pretty crazy number right? The answer is yes, BUT social media has become part of our daily lives for work and play. If you are here reading this blog, it is highly likely you have an Instagram account and, … Read more

A coffee date Q&A with Siobhan from SJ Nutrition.
Welcome to another round of coffee date Q&As! A blog series I made up during one of the millions of lockdowns in lieu of not being able to meet people for real-life coffee dates. Community and collaboration are a big deal to me and time with other business owners or my industry peers is a … Read more

Likes, followers and your social media strategy.
Ah vanity metrics! “How many likes did we get?” It’s a question anyone working in social media dreads and one that can make you a little crazy as a business owner. Danielle from Greene Creatives recently asked me to be on an Instagram Live Q&A with her talking about vanity metrics, why they don’t define … Read more

New Year Resolutions for your social media strategy.
When it comes to my non-work life I am not one for resolutions, I am way more of a “make the move whenever you like” kinda girl. Ties into those rebellious / creative aspects of my personality! But, business and marketing… totally different story. Spontaneity needs to be planned for and risk needs to be … Read more

How to take a social media break.
We often hear from social media experts on how to do “more social media” but very rarely on how to take an effective social media break. And I’m not talking about the 3-month digital hiatus kind of break – which frankly requires a whole other level of business communications discussion – but the kind of … Read more

How to write your own social media strategy.
What does the word “strategy” mean to you? The usual response is that it’s a top-tier jargon word straight out of business school, i.e. scary as hell. Truth is, a strategy is pretty important and helps give us purpose and achieve our business goals. And guess what? For social media, it’s no different. Diving into … Read more

Your guide to Christmas content planning.
Ok. I don’t want to freak you out, but it’s that time of year again. And I know that you’re thinking you want to light the bonfire for Bonfire night first, but soon we’ll be donning our cosy festive jumpers and digging into the Quality Streets. Before then, let’s just take some time to talk … Read more

Is my Instagram broken?
In short, no. But that two-word answer would make for a terrible blog post, right?! So let’s talk about Instagram a bit more and some of the things going on with your engagement, story views and the general feeling of WTF-ness Instagram is giving business owners at the moment. Instagram and your business. I don’t … Read more

Lost: one Instagram mojo.
During the last round of my “ask me anything” story session on Instagram, someone asked the question about their Instagram mojo. As in how to get it back when it seems totally AWOL. Even the best laid social media content plans lose their way when your mojo goes missing. I get it, it’s hard to … Read more

Social media trends in the food and drink industry for 2021.
Towards the end of last year, I worked on a social media strategy for a business based in central Scotland (I call Aberdeen home), they are in the food and drink industry but their social media channels were brand new. That is both a good thing and a bad thing as brand new means no … Read more

How to go Live on Instagram.
Lives are having a real moment on Instagram, a trend that came into its own during the first lockdown of 2020; we craved connection and conversations (some of us anyway) and Lives were a great way to get that. I totally get the appeal, all the benefits of video content with none of the editing … Read more

A coffee date with Kate Stott from BeautyBooker®
In lieu of not being able to meet Kate for one of our real coffee dates or even the lunch we had been planning pre-lockdown; a coffee date Q&A for you all is definitely the next.best.thing. I’ve already spent a fair amount of time with Kate talking social media, technology, start-ups and about everything else … Read more

A new year refresh for your social media strategy.
I struggled with the title of this blog, mostly as I am not into new year resolutions and the thing I am trying to write about is tied into the theme of a new year but is different to a list of resolutions (or wishes, as my daughter calls them!). When talking about a refresh … Read more

A coffee date with Iona Currie from Eye See Coaching.
One of my favourite parts about introducing you to the next coffee date guest, is that we met on social media when I was tagged in a post by a business I worked with at the start of the year! Talk about the power of social media for online networking and connections right?! A coffee … Read more

How to plan your social media content.
“Help! I just don’t know what to post on my social media channels” is one of the most common problems anyone who runs social media for business will run into. Here are some of my favourite content ideas and a bit of insight into the content planning process I use.

10 ways to kickstart your social media platforms.
In the aftermath of Christmas and the holiday season, we are all having conversations about our 2020 resolutions and looking for a way to rejuvenate ourselves after all the food, drink and festivities.

A coffee date with Megan from Xana Creative.
With the “making video for social media” workshop just two weeks away, it was the perfect time to do a Q&A blog with Megan from Xana Creative! Megan and I will be running the workshop together on the 7th November, using our different skillsets to collaboratiely run the sessions; and it’s the very nature of … Read more

The hashtag rulebook for Instagram.
[et_pb_section admin_label=”section”] [et_pb_row admin_label=”row”] [et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text admin_label=”Text”] Last time we spoke about hashtags , we covered the basics around what a hashtag is and how to hashtag with purpose. If you need a quick catch up before we hit the rulebook, you can find the first hashtag blog here.

Using social media at an event or exhibition.
[et_pb_section admin_label=”section”] [et_pb_row admin_label=”row”] [et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text admin_label=”Text”] In 2019 I think you know that using social media for business is more a prerequisite as opposed to a nice to have; and the only thing you have to question is which platforms to use relevant to your audience and how you are going to use those … Read more

How to work with a marketeer on a small budget.
Last week, I saw a post in a Facebook group that someone was looking for recommendations for some marketing support; they gave a description of their business and said they had a very small budget but know they needed to start with something.

How to be a self-employed and go on holiday.
In April, my daughter and I had a mini-break abroad. Doesn’t sound like a big deal right? Expect it was. This was our first holiday abroad since 2015, it seems being a freelance Digital Marketer and working from a home office are not the usual buzz words associated with going on holiday.

The Beginners Guide to Instagram for Business – review
2.5 hours, 10 people in a room, a 12-page workbook, haribo’s and countless realms of magic chart – what could possibly go wrong?

How does my plan help me be spontaneous on social media?
I was recently asked to speak at an event about social media for business; the event was an evening networking meet-up and the speaker brief was “a mini power talk circa 4 minutes long”. Ha. Think my time was up not long after I said my name and made a bad joke!

What’s the point of a hashtag?
I once wrote an ode to the seemingly humble hashtag for someone who was starting on their social media for business journey and had asked what the point of them was… It went something like along the lines of “use them, they are super important. The End”. Hard to believe I once won a poetry … Read more

5 things you wish your mum had told you about a social media strategy
In a sea of jargon, buzz words, trends and millions of experts I am a big fan of the one-liner. Those key phrases that you can pin up above your desk and cast your eyes over really quickly to make sure you are on the right track. Or to make sure you are keeping it … Read more