What’s it like working with a Freelance Digital Marketing Strategist?

a photo of Suz Bird leaning against a table, holding a coffee mug and laughing

I worked with an Aberdeen-based business over the summer on their digital marketing and social media strategy, it was a four month project and it was pretty darn great. I didn’t even have to say that myself, I asked the business owner for feedback and a testimonial after our project finished and she said the … Read more

How to use ChatGPT in your digital marketing strategy.

someone sitting on the floor with a MacBook on their legs and a iphone in their hand

I’ve spoken before on the difference between something trending and a trend in the digital marketing industry, and how sometimes it’s worth a business owner’s time to just sit back and watch before jumping right in. Think Clubhouse, Threads and TikTok as examples of this … We don’t have to take on every new thing … Read more

New Year Resolutions for your social media strategy.

When it comes to my non-work life I am not one for resolutions, I am way more of a “make the move whenever you like” kinda girl. Ties into those rebellious / creative aspects of my personality! But, business and marketing… totally different story. Spontaneity needs to be planned for and risk needs to be … Read more

How to take a social media break.

We often hear from social media experts on how to do “more social media” but very rarely on how to take an effective social media break. And I’m not talking about the 3-month digital hiatus kind of break – which frankly requires a whole other level of business communications discussion – but the kind of … Read more

How to write your own social media strategy.

What does the word “strategy” mean to you? The usual response is that it’s a top-tier jargon word straight out of business school, i.e. scary as hell.  Truth is, a strategy is pretty important and helps give us purpose and achieve our business goals.  And guess what? For social media, it’s no different.  Diving into … Read more

Lost: one Instagram mojo.

During the last round of my “ask me anything” story session on Instagram, someone asked the question about their Instagram mojo. As in how to get it back when it seems totally AWOL.  Even the best laid social media content plans lose their way when your mojo goes missing. I get it, it’s hard to … Read more

Social media trends in the food and drink industry for 2021.

Towards the end of last year, I worked on a social media strategy for a business based in central Scotland (I call Aberdeen home), they are in the food and drink industry but their social media channels were brand new.  That is both a good thing and a bad thing as brand new means no … Read more

How to go Live on Instagram.

Lives are having a real moment on Instagram, a trend that came into its own during the first lockdown of 2020; we craved connection and conversations (some of us anyway) and Lives were a great way to get that.  I totally get the appeal, all the benefits of video content with none of the editing … Read more

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